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Friday Favorites – Romance, Writing, & Good TV

As you know, this week was Valentine’s Day and there were lots of great posts on the meaning of the holiday and love and good stuff like that. But there was so much more than Valentine’s Day.

Romance and Writing:

August McLaughlin did wrap-up from her Beauty of a Women Blogfest. In addition, she wrote a fabulous post about how Dorothy (from The Wizard of Oz) is a great heroine. For me, this is especially timely because we’re reading the abridged version of Oz at bedtime right now.

Heather Massey posted on the Heroes and Heartbreakers blog about how Boba Fett would make a great romance hero. As a lover of Star Wars, I really liked this.

Jody Hedlund wrote a defense of the romance genre. She is much more eloquent than I was (especially since I’m more likely to flip someone the bird than offer valid reasons for my choice in reading).

Shelli Johnson wrote a list of things she wishes she could tell her younger self. Don’t we all have things we wish we knew then?

Jenny Hansen hosted Margie Lawson for a  guest post on  how to write fresh visceral reactions. The post is a definite must-read for any writer. I’m currently taking a class with Margie and it’s worth every penny. I’m looking at my manuscript with fresh eyes, and where I was frustrated before, I’m now excited because I know the changes I’m making are improving the book.

Fun TV:

Jessica O’Neal has run a series of posts about Robin Hood, but this week, she talks about her favorite version, the BBC TV series. I have to admit that I watched the first season and most, if not all of the second. I LOVE that Robin Hood. I missed some episodes and back then I didn’t have a DVR, but now, I believe it’s on Netflix. Reading her post made me want to catch up. Like right now.

Tiffany White gives us a run-down on The Finder. I’ve been watching the show and I like it. It comes on right after Bones, and like Tiffany, I’m a huge Bones fan, so I was easily sucked into watching The Finder. The show has a fun, quirky cast of characters.

Amber West goes in depth on Alcatraz. I wrote about Alcatraz a little, but if you want a better understanding, especially if you haven’t tuned in yet, check out Amber’s post.

Finally, lest you think I wouldn’t give any space to love and romance, I want to thank Alastair Stephens for posting this, so that I could then steal it from Overthinking It for the end of my post:

That about sums up how I feel about love and romance. How has your week gone? Anything special for Valentine’s Day?

About Shannyn Schroeder

Mom of 3, editor, and contemporary romance writer

5 responses »

  1. OMG, you have a real funny bone

  2. Thank you so much for including me in this fabulous list! And you are right, all 3 seasons of Robin Hood are on Netflix. You should totally go catch up. So good!! 😉

  3. Such a great mashup. Thanks for the mention! I love that you’re reading WoO right now. Can’t think of a better bedtime story. 😉

    My V-day consisted mostly of caring for my dog, who had a stomach bug of some sort. But hubby and I managed to have some good fun and chill time amidst it. Hope you had a great one!

  4. GREAT mash-up, Shannyn.

    I found Margie Lawson two years ago, have taken all of her courses, and attended Immersion Master Classes in Boulder and one off-site one in Dallas. Isn’t she dynamite? I’m taking her Fab30 in April and daughter Tiffany’s Method to Madness next month. Best money I ever invested.

    I loved August’s BOAW blog hop. I found it too late to participate, but not too late to read all the wonderful posts — yours included.

  5. Thanks for the linky love, Shannyn! 🙂


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